A bouquet of red roses |
Red roses as a gift for your sweetheart! |
Price 50.00 € *** *** *** |
Special moments
Do you want to surprise your loved one with a special gift for a special occasion?
We are happy to present you with a colorful bouquet of ideas.
Colorful bouquet |
Flowers as gift for your loved one(s)! We will gladly organize a colourful bouquet of flowers for you. |
Price 40.00 € *** *** *** |
Candle-Light Dinner |
Enjoy a romantic candle-light dinner in one of our ZillerSeasons restaurants. |
*** *** *** *** |
Bottle of sparkling wine |
Surprise your loved one(s) with a bottle of sparkling wine. We will gladly provide you with a wine cooler, two glasses, and a bottle of sparkling wine in your suite/your room or... |
Price 35.00 € *** *** *** |
MalisGarten Signature Cake |
You want to surprise your sweetheart for a birthday or a special occasion with something sweet? |
Price 40.00 € *** *** *** |
Pillow menu |
Healthy sleep is the best rest. Never doubt ancient wisdom. So that you can rest your head in the best possible way, we have a nice extra feature to offer: pillows filled with f... |
Looops aroma candles |
Juicy forests, blooming alpine meadows, and clear mountain streams.... with Looops aroma candles, it smells inside as if you were outside. The small manufactory from Sal... |