
Late Check-Out

Information about Late CheckOut

The basic basis of every late check-out is the use of the SPA in the respective house, which you always have included when you book the respective package.

Regular early arrival/late departure costs € 28 per person.

With this surcharge you can use the respective SPA area until 5:00 pm on the day of departure.

Package with lunch

Late Check-Out package with lunch
Enjoy your late departure with room until 12.00 pm. and a culinary 2-course lunch menu in our restaurant DieMarie.
Your room is avail...

Flat rate per person

45.00 €

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Package with TeaTime

Late Check-Out package with TeaTime
Enjoy your late departure with room until 12.00 pm. and a cozy Tea Time in MalisGarten.
Your room is available to you until 12.00 n...

Flat rate per person

49.00 €

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To book a late check-out or for further information, you can reach us with the in-house telephone at the service extension: 9 at +43 5282 2236 via WhatsApp +43 664 2236000 or by email to info@zillerseasons.at. You are welcome to pay your final bill the evening before. You can check your current bill amount at reception at any time. Payment: Cash, EC, Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress, Vpay